Careers at IPNLF

At IPNLF, our ambition is to contribute to thriving coastal fisheries, including the people, communities, businesses, and seas connected with them. IPNLF works to develop, support and promote socially and environmentally responsible pole-and-line, handline and troll (collectively known as one-by-one) tuna fisheries around the world.

One-by-one tuna fisheries are widely regarded as the most ecologically responsible fisheries due to their minimal impact on the environment. Furthermore, these fisheries are very people-centric, supporting comparatively high employment compared to industrial fisheries, while still providing a model on which to sustain tuna fisheries and fishery-dependent livelihoods into the future. Due to these attributes, one-by-one fisheries are lauded as a responsible choice across international consumer guidelines. 

Would you like to be part of our team? Please find our job openings below. Would you like to send in an open application? You’re always welcome to send your CV and motivation to Elsabe Crockart:


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